Thursday, August 6, 2009

Reduce Stress and help MS Symptoms

I traded a couple of posts with my Facebook Ms'ers last week, and it reminded me of a grouping of symptoms and the trigger. For me and lots of others stress can trigger things like blurry vision, additional tingling, and my personal favorite the MS hug. The MS Hug or the girdle as my old neuro used to refer, is a tightening in the chest and abdominal region. Here are some of my tricks to reducing stress, these are the ones I use. I’m sure herbal tea and mediation and such work as well if not better, but I can’t meditate in my office.

1) Do not procrastinate - Yes I will admit I was the king of procrastinating and I found myself always stressed about everything, at some point a light bulb went on that said just get it done when presented(ok obvious but it works)

2) Make your plans the night before or in the morning - If I start the day with a game plan the day seems to go easier

3) Refrain from coffee and other stimulants - Ok guilty as charged I believe in step 3 but this is where I stumble. I did however go to HalfCaf (I mix half caffeinated and half Decaf in every pot)

4) Count to 10 and let it go - It is probably not worth hurting your body over.

5) Look at the big picture - "Don't sweat the details" cliché but true.

6) Pay your bills online - Not for everyone but I find it easier to click than write

7) Read a Book - This can take you out of your stressful environment and I wholeheartedly believe it helps re-establish neuro pathways

8) Find some solitude - even if you're at work ,take a walk and breathe

Buy a Shirt,Help an Artist,Find a Cure.

Artists that have Multiple Sclerosis have contributed their time to create t-shirts like the one below
Please Visit the Art to Shirt Store or go to MS T-Shirts and help find the cure

Multiple sclerosis T-shirt

Some notes from Michele Levani

"From the time I was a small child, I knew that I was an artist. I loved rainy days at school because that meant recess would be an opportunity to create art! Many times my school teachers would have to stand and watch me draw because they wanted proof that I was not tracing. Throughout my life, art has defined me. When I first became ill, my ability to create what I saw in my mind seemed impossible. I felt that I had lost myself. Because of the encouragement of my family and friends not to give up, I began exploring other mediums and subjects. Today, I feel limitless and more inspired to create. My art still defines me, not my illness!