Thursday, June 11, 2009

Multiple Sclerosis T-Shirts

MS Artist T-Shirt Sale

I really appreciate the positive feedback I have received from non MS’ers and people that are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, in regards to an up and coming MS artist t-shirt sale. What I have not spoken to is how much this sale will benefit me. See I have an internal war waging everyday. I was diagnosed with MS in 2000 and I am a conservative. So what’s the problem you say? To tell you the truth maybe there is no problem except in my head. I find myself not telling my MS friends that I am conservative(not republican please save the nasty e-mails) also I find I do not discuss MS with my business associates. The fund raising sale I have initiated allows me to donate to a cause I am very passionate about and I get to sell something(it’s in my nature). So I really owe a big thank you to the artists and others that allow me to do this.

Last fall while surfing the NMSS site I ran across a section of artists that have MS, I was impressed with the talent of these folks. Now being a t-shirt guy I saw this art on t-shirts instead of canvas. I could sell these and make a donation to NMSS. Bing!(not the search engine) an idea is brewing. After speaking to these artist I thought they deserved to be in the revenue stream as well. Great! I was stoked (my son says that) Now I can directly help a person with MS and make a donation that will help all of us in the future. Tada- MS was born. In the coming months I will highlight each artist in a little more depth. I am very lucky to have met these folks they are very inspiring to me.

Buy a Shirt,Help an Artist,Find a Cure.

Artists that have Multiple Sclerosis have contributed their time to create t-shirts like the one below
Please Visit the MS T-Shirts and help find the cure

Multiple sclerosis T-shirt
Carole Murry

Some notes from the Karolina Wojdak

"Although i never attended any art classes, I've been drawing since I was a little child. And now I know where were my visions coming from.
I've been diagnosed with MS at the beginning of '07, when I utterly lost control over my right arm and eyes, the neurologist assumes I've been ill since '02. I'm still trying to regain my drawing ability, by the help of my family and friends I know I can't give up trying - drawing is my whole life.
With my art I'd like to help MS people like me - to finally get the normal life, to get the cure."